How to brew tea properly?

How to brew tea properly?

What is needed to brew tea?

  1. A teapot to boil water. Do not forget to descale the teapot, otherwise it will reduce the quality of the water.
  2. Teapot – choose a glass or clay teapot for your perfect tea ceremony. They are heat-resistant and retain the aroma and heat of the tea for quite a long time.
  3. Water for tea should be clean and fresh, preferably bottled and from a trusted manufacturer.
  4. Cups – a good option is a porcelain cup with wider rims. The Chinese believe that the ideal cup is a 60 ml piyala. Make sure that the look of your tableware is pleasing to the eye and the process of making tea will fill you with positive emotions.
  5. Tea. Find your favourite tea in the diverse Curtis collection. “Earl Grey Passion” black tea with bergamot or the unusual “White Bountea” tea in pyramid, flavoured with tropical dragon fruit? Choose the perfect flavour for you.

How to brew tea in pyramids?

Tea in sachets and pyramids are designed for your convenience. Therefore, practically no special knowledge or equipment is required for its preparation

Most teas in pyramids are brewed straight into a cup, so it is important to choose the right one. It should be a cup with thick sides made from a material that holds heat well.

Learn how to brew tea in pyramids, step by step:

  • Boil water. To brew the perfect tea, you have to be careful and accurate. Keep an eye on the water: as soon as the first bubbles form on the surface, the water is ready for use. Remember: you can only boil water once.
  • Each type of tea requires a special treatment and a certain temperature:
    • To brew black tea, the water temperature should be about 100 degrees, i.e., boiling.
    • For green, yellow, white and oolong teas – 85 degrees.
    • For pu-erh – 80-85 degrees.
  • Put your favourite tea in a pyramid in a cup and pour water into it.
  • Tea in a pyramid is brewed for about 3-5 minutes. During this time, the leaves in the pyramids will have time to open, and the pieces of fruit and berries in the tea will give the drink a pleasant aroma. Trust your preferences: if you want a richer flavour, brew the tea for a little longer than 5 minutes.

Choose a tea in a pyramid, such as “Curtis Isabella Grape” tea with grape pieces and rose petals.

How to brew tea in a pyramid in a teapot?

Experiment in the kitchen with Curtis tea in pyramids. You can make a real hot ‘cocktail’ – just get creative!

Tea in a pyramid can be brewed not only in a cup, but also in a teapot. Just remember that one pyramid is for one serving.

We have prepared a simple recipe for a warming cocktail. We hope it inspires you to create your own culinary masterpieces!

  1. Warm up the teapot with hot water.
  2. Put 3 pyramids of “Sunny Lemon” black tea with lemon peel in the teapot. This is the main ingredient of the whole drink.
  3. Add half a cinnamon stick and 2-3 cloves.
  4. Pour boiling water over the tea and wait for 6-7 minutes. Done!

How to brew leaf tea properly?

  1. Boil water. Look again at our guide and warm the water to the needed temperature.
  2. Next, rinse the teapot with hot water. Once it is well heated, pour out the water.
  3. In a teapot, add leaf tea at a ratio of 1 teaspoon per person, plus another teaspoon or 5 grams of tea per 100-120 ml of water.
  4. Wait for the boiling water to cool down and fill the teapot with hot water.
  5. After half a minute, pour the first brew. The dust of the tea will go with the water. It also brings out the flavour and aroma of the following tea brews.
  6. Then we brew the tea again. How much water to pour depends on your preference.
  7. Now enjoy a minute alone with yourself. Do not wait for the tea to cool down; do not miss this beautiful moment.

How to brew black tea?

The stated method of brewing tea is universal, but there are a few details to consider when brewing certain types of tea.

  • • Pu-erh and black tea can be brewed using the infusion method: add leaves and fill only half of the teapot with hot water and wait a minute, then fill the rest of the teapot with water, and leave for 4 minutes. Now you can drink the tea!
  • Black tea can be brewed for about 4-5 minutes.

You do not like black tea? Maybe you just have not found the right one yet! Try “Curtis Truffle Tea” with delicate chocolate truffle and coconut flavour. We think you will change your mind.

How to brew green tea?

A popular way to brew green tea is by quick rinsing. It is easy to learn this method: pour the boiling water over the tea and immediately drain it. We fill the teapot with water again, but now wait for the tea to brew for a minute and pour it into cups. The same tea can be re-brewed up to 10 times.

Green tea can be brewed for 8-10 minutes.

Check out our green tea brewing tips for “Curtis Drink Me” Chinese green leaf tea! “Pineapple Teapot” with pineapple flavour. Trust me, you will be pleasantly surprised!

The mood is important: choose time alone with yourself. Turn off your phone and be alone with yourself for a minute – away from all the information and rhythm of the big city. Have a tea ceremony just for pleasure: get the most beautiful serving set and your favourite tea from Curtis. Turn on some good music in the background and think about the beautiful future and your plans. And then brewing tea will become your favourite ritual.